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samedi 24 décembre 2011

There are ways you can help

Twelve million people are facing a hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa, and they are in desperate need of help.
The United Nations declared a famine in parts of southern Somalia, calling for a widespread international response to end the suffering.
Thousands of Somalis have been fleeing the country each week in search of food, water and shelter -- many of them walking for days in the sweltering sun toward refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia.
Nearly half a million children are at risk of dying from malnutrition and disease.
Relief organizations are calling on the international community to join together to end the crisis, and they're working to gain entrance into areas with limited humanitarian access.

There are ways you can help.
PLEASE CLICK HERE AND BECOME A MEMBER TO THIS SITE .. Member is a Somalian  ORGANISATION WWHO help the poor in Somalia .. please help humanity with a single click for free you can also earn by click on the ads to be displayed later

Somalia has been a war-torn country for the past decade, and most of it has been run by war lords. Thus, many have asked, “Why should I
help?” And, “Didn’t they bring this problem on themselves?” The problem in Somalia has many causes, both natural and man-made, and there is plenty of blame to go around. However, at this
moment, people are dying. When a child is withering away it really does not matter whether the cause is drought, ignorance, or social injustice. It is a precious child that is dying. If we determine that any person is of less value because of where they were born, we have lost our humanity.

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